How Can Emission Reduction Programs Be Designed Inclusively?
Results-based payments for ERs are oftentimes conditioned upon the development of a comprehensive Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) which outlines how monetary and non-monetary benefits will be distributed to program stakeholders. Inclusive, accessible, and transparent stakeholder consultations are essential when designing these plans, because they help the ER program secure buy-in from local communities and understand their preferences; the process also ensures that there is two-way communication about how and when communities can receive benefits. During the consultation process, stakeholders are made aware that the distribution of benefits relies on the successful generation, verification, and transfer of ERs. Any potential risks to ER generation and transfer should be clearly communicated, in case the ER program underperforms or does not perform. Safeguard mechanisms should also be put in place in order to address potential environmental and social risks, in order to avoid (or mitigate) possible harms. Safeguards plans are typically required before an ERPA is signed.
Additional Resources (see Gender and Social Inclusion section)