
International Workshop on Jurisdictional Integrated Landscape Management Programs

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From July 20-22, 2015 representatives from REDD+ countries met for an African Regional Workshop on Jurisdictional Programs. The objective of the workshop was to build a common understanding on how to design and operationalize sustainable landscape management programs that aim to reduce GHG emissions. The workshop focused on high level strategic issues related to program design and implementation, including country political commitments, establishing a program (vision) that integrates with the national development agendas, aligning multiple partners and stakeholder for program delivery, and incentive structures for results-based payments. The primary participant base was comprised of African technical leaders on jurisdictional programs, who serve as counterparts to the World Bank's BioCarbon Fund (BioCF) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and are involved with managing jurisdictional REDD+ programs through their respective line ministries. 

Photos (link to Flickr)

Feature story - Mozambique seeks south-south knowledge as it tackles deforestation and greenhouse emissions


Agenda - July 2015
Agenda_6.pdf182.44 KB


India: The Role of policy incentives for reducing deforestation - July 2015
Overview of Workshop on Integrated Landscape Management Programs - July 2015


Using Fair-trade Pricing to Incentivize REDD+ Activities - July 2015
Status of REDD+ in Brazil - A Focus on Jurisdictional REDD+ Programs - July 2015
COMACO Model and Process - Socio-economic Strategies and Ecosystem Management - July 2015
Liberia Forest Sector Project: Challenges and Lessons Learned - July 2015
Using Fair-trade Pricing to Incentivize REDD+ Activities - Additional Information - July 2015
Ghana's Cocoa Forest Mosaic Landscape REDD+ Programme - July 2015
Mozambique Early Idea: Zambezia Integrated Landscape Management Program - July 2015
OLAM Presentation - July 2015
OLAM_0.pdf3.17 MB
Oromia Forested Landscape Program: Design Features, Challenges, and Lessons Learned - July 2015
Financing Landscape Programs - Integrating different financing sources - July 2015
India's Experience in Successfully Conserving Its Forests - July 2015
Integrated Landscape Programs - Main Elements - July 2015
Managing incentives and results-based payments in jurisdictional REDD+ programs - July 2015
Historical and Current Situation of REDD+ in Brazil - July 2015
Zambia's Challenges and Lessons Learned - July 2015